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Semen Podvalny ,
Semen Podvalny

Voronezh State Technical Universit, Voronezh , Russia

Iana Zolotukhina ,
Iana Zolotukhina
Contact Iana Zolotukhina

Voronezh State Technical Universit, Voronezh, Russia

Olga Sotnikova ,
Olga Sotnikova

Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh , Russia

Ekaterina Prokshits
Ekaterina Prokshits

Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh , Russia


Currently, the development of the country's economy is characterized by the trend of globalization, which is constantly developing, modernizing, acquiring new forms and features, which ultimately radically changed the way of the world economy. The task was set to analyze and propose options for improving the investment attractiveness and efficiency of the functioning of the special economic zone of the industrial and production type "Center" in the Voronezh Region. The analysis of the existing territory was carried out, as a result of which the weaknesses and opportunities for modernization and development of the zone as a whole were identified.

The article presents proposals for increasing and reorganizing the territory, develops a development plan, and suggests ways to attract customers and investments from an architectural and construction point of view. The levels of interaction between humans and the architectural and landscape environment are studied, and the key points of development are identified. The results obtained make it possible to apply and evaluate according to these criteria with the specified characteristics, using the design code development methodology to increase the efficiency of the territory's functioning.


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Special Economic Zone And Their Role And Impact On The International Business Environment.


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