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Dževad Forčaković
Dževad Forčaković
Contact Dževad Forčaković

JP EP BiH d.d. Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

ZD RU Gračanica d.o.o, Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje, Bosnia and Herzegovina


This paper presents study results of the qualitative characteristics of coal deposit Kotezi. Regional geological researches were conducted from 1983 to 1987, and detailed from 2014 to the end of 2018.

Tests were performed on the following coal quality parameters: average thickness of pure coal in coal layers, total moisture content, ash content, total sulfur content and lower heat value. Researches were conducted in the field, laboratory and cabinet. Subsequently, an analysis and interpretation of the obtained research results was carried out. Comparing the research geological results of all represented coal layers, deviations of the considered parameters were determined.

ls of the Bugojno basin belong to the younger coals, soft to medium hard, no luster (matt), brown to black colored, and have brown streak. Their fracture is plate-like and particleboard. They do not have a distinct lignite structure, except in the lower layers. With their general habitus, they resemble younger brown coals, and belong to humic coals which are relatively low in carbonation. In the vertical profile of coal layers, the highest quality components are from the upper part of the layer, while the slightly lower quality components are from the middle and lower parts of the layer.


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