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Review paper


Goran Marinković ,
Goran Marinković
Contact Goran Marinković

Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia

Jelena Lazić ,
Jelena Lazić

Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia

Ilija Grgić ,
Ilija Grgić

State Geodetic Administration, Zagreb, Croatia

Zoran Ilić
Zoran Ilić

Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia


Each local, self-government unit which is planning to develop and later implement the project of land consolidation is confronted with the problem of choosing the cadastral municipality for land management via land consolidation. The appliance of multi-criteria decision method enables and helps the decision makers to act regularly and correctly when making a decision. Multi-criteria analysis, above all, enables decision making in conflict conditions. These conditions include multiple alternatives and criteria, from which some should be maximized, and others minimized. This paper deals with the problematic of the ranking of cadastral municipalities in which land management should be performed with the use of land consolidation, by applying COPRAS method. The paper also presents the evaluation of the defined model in the Municipality of Pećinci.


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